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Alex Pang
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advertising design publishing subject techniques / style


advertising product


diagrams infographic


book covers book jackets non fiction


buildings landscape science space technology transport travel

techniques / style

3d rendering cgi digital isometric technical


Alex Pang studied at Taunton College of Arts and Technology where he successfully passed his diploma in Design and Illustration. He has worked with CG, mixed media, airbrush, guache and inks for nearly 25 years and had many styles. Almost 15 years ago he found out about Photoshop and Studiomax in a visit at a friend’s studio and overnight it changed the way he worked as he could see that the writing was on the wall for a lot of traditional styles he had done in the past. Luckily his publisher at the time David West’s Children’s books was looking for digital artwork for a series of new How it works books, The rest is history as they say. His clients include: Fuji, BP, Matchbox, BAE systems, Octopus, Kingfisher, and many publishers too many to mention. He has also worked on some major film projects such as Thunderbirds the Movie, Captain Scarlet and is currently working on some artworks of Avatar craft for the partworks people Deagostini.

Depending on the client his work now varies between the super-detail needed for the MOD particularly on the new type 45 and the new supercarriers to fun caricature cars that he now produces as prints for the gift industry. He is also involved now starting work on Non-fiction e-books packed full of interactive animation and looks forward to pushing the envelope even more.